Saturday, 28 September 2019


1 JOHN 4:18 says "THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE"...
love is defined as fondness or devotedness...
in true love, there is no fear.


imagine it is freezing cold outside, you somehow manage into your house through a thick snowstorm.
you find a warm rug and a cozy place beside the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate milk.
the very feeling is so relishing.

  similarly, when we find ourselves in the storms of the world whatever they might be, we find rest only on our knees in the presence of God.

no storm is greater than God.


love of God is so out of the world that he himself gave his son's life as a sacrifice on our behalf. the perfect solution for the salvation of men.

God wants us to be with him forever.

through his love, we are saved.

that same love should be within us exerting its power over others.

Jeremiah 31:3 (BBE) From far away he saw the Lord: my love for you is an eternal love: so with mercy, I have made you come with me."

God says his love is eternal.

he is always open to embrace us, to protect us under his wings.
it is up to us to take his path in every circumstance as we are given free will.
he is always with us even when we feel alone.
relationship with him through spending time with him daily will give us an understanding of him.

reading the holy bible and praying should be our daily routine.
it will surely give us life.

the love which we experience in God will surely radiate to the world.

                 BEING THANKFUL

James 1:17 (CEB) Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes from above. These gifts come down from the Father, the creator of the heavenly lights, in whose character there is no change at all.

sometimes we wonder what is behind us and what we are going to face.
we always tend to remember all the noxious things of the past.
t's okay to be down at times.but we need to remember there is one who has created us and brought us so far. if you are reading this you are not among the 285million people in the world who have a low or absent vision.
when we were children we look up to our parents to fulfill our needs and wishes.
but there is one who has created everything for us including us.
he is almighty and all-powerful, who is always the same in the remote past or our distant future.
he is the one who holds our future.
he is our provider.

we may wonder how is it possible?
we should remember that the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink were all given freely.
all the clothes we wear, the homes we reside, everything is given to us by him the almighty.

take a pen and paper
make a list of what all you have
paste it above your desk or in your bathroom
go through the list while brushing or while working, you will be thankful.
you will find the change creeping inside you towards better
life is a precious gift given to us by god
let us make it something magical, inspirational & exemplary to others.
cancel the negatives with our positive talk.
God is for us 

"Jeremiah 29:11(CEV) I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering"

pray and find your destiny.god is behind you.
leave your imprint on the lives you come across.

next post.................... "love"