1 JOHN 4:18 says "THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE"...
love is defined as fondness or devotedness...
in true love, there is no fear.
imagine it is freezing cold outside, you somehow manage into your house through a thick snowstorm.
you find a warm rug and a cozy place beside the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate milk.
the very feeling is so relishing.
similarly, when we find ourselves in the storms of the world whatever they might be, we find rest only on our knees in the presence of God.
no storm is greater than God.
love of God is so out of the world that he himself gave his son's life as a sacrifice on our behalf. the perfect solution for the salvation of men.
God wants us to be with him forever.
through his love, we are saved.
that same love should be within us exerting its power over others.
Jeremiah 31:3 (BBE) " From far away he saw the Lord: my love for you is an eternal love: so with mercy, I have made you come with me."
God says his love is eternal.
he is always open to embrace us, to protect us under his wings.
it is up to us to take his path in every circumstance as we are given free will.
he is always with us even when we feel alone.
relationship with him through spending time with him daily will give us an understanding of him.
reading the holy bible and praying should be our daily routine.
it will surely give us life.
the love which we experience in God will surely radiate to the world.